Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Benefits of Reading
By []Daniel Belcher

For many, reading has many benefits that continue to enhance their lives. Their lives are bettered in some the following ways: mentally, spiritually and sociality. Also, if we develop a habit reading will we become more confident and self assured in abilities to comprehend and understand all types of information. Let's further examine some of the benefits of reading.

One of the other main benefits of reading is that it exercises your mind. Your mind begins to bend and flex mentally, It stays lose and limber so to you can flow easier through the course of the day. The regular routine ensures that the reading muscle stays in good shape as well as the mind. Just like physical exercise, there has to be a determination to make reading part of your life. If you understand the many benefits of reading, you will have no trouble adopting a regular habit of reading.

Reading has other benefits to the regular reader which is the ability to focus. When the mind is trained and channeled, it begins to pay attention more thoroughly. For example, when you are faced with some of life's difficult and challenging assignments, you will have the ability to stay calm and objectively look at the problem, circumstances or required task. If you continue to read, you continue to stay focused; bottom line.

There is perhaps no greater avenue to learning then through reading. All people, great and small, have learned more things by reading then practically any other way. When we continue to read, we have the ability to expand our minds tremendously. We review the pages of knowledge left by those who came before us. We than begin to add to the knowledge as the cycle of humanity continue. The regular routine reading has positively chanced the course many peoples' lives.

Finally, when we develop a practice a habit of reading, we are building solid foundation on which to build. This foundation of reading will allow us to accomplish many goals and ambitions we have for our lives. Our habit of continuing to read helps to ensure we will continue to succeed. Reading has a long and distinguish track record for establishing positive and lasting benefits to humanity.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Readers Are Leaders

There are several books that I recommend everyone to read. These books have literally changed My life. Each of the following books spoke to me personally in a different way. I hope you all receive the same inspiration that I have.

Rob Ramos

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller--Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives